The following sample federal style resume is targeted to a Management Analyst position. Read the qualification standard for the GS-0343 position and search for a management analyst job announcement on to familiarize yourself with the analyst position. You need to capture required specialized experience, skills, duties and accomplishments to obtain a higher rating and to be referred to a selecting official for an interview. The more time you spend refining your application to include required duties and specialized experience, the higher your rating.
You can prepare multiple applications and save them on however I suggest drafting them on your desktop first to refine your work history statements.
The person rating your application is generally a human resource specialist and may not be familiar with all occupations. They rely on qualification and classification standards and other rating criteria to assign points to your application. Raters look for duties, responsibilities, and specialized experience — key words and phrases — to assign points to your application.
I was a trained and certified rater for several job series while working for the FAA and reviewed and rated hundreds of applications during my career. Your resume will be rated on a point system of up to 100 points; veterans preference applicants could earn an additional five points if they served during a major military campaign or 10 points if they are disabled. The Category Rating system has revised this process for most applicants.
Focusing on the job announcement’s duties and specialized experience could place you in the “Best Qualified” category. There is a balancing act to follow when completing your resume and other application questionnaires. Use bullets to attract the reviewer’s attention or add white space and line breaks between key points and topics in your online submission. If you simply write a long narrative, it’s hard for the rating official to pick out the required key duties and specialized experience. A typical federal resume is between three and 10 pages; additional pages are added for KSAs if required.
The following sample resume is formatted to attract the attention of the selecting official. It is a typical hard copy federal style resume that you can compile on your desktop using Microsoft Word. You can also take extra copies to your interview. When applying online using a resume builder you may need to plainly format your resume.
John Q. Adams
3401 Main Street
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Day Phone # 202-123-4567 • Evening Phone # 301-234-5678 •
Social Security Number: xxx-xx-xxxx
Citizenship: United States
Federal Status: N/A
Veterans’ Preference: Yes, 5 points (DD-214 form available)
Management Analyst, GS-0343-12
National Archives & Records Administration
Announcement # 0916 LV, Closing Date 12/09/2016
Lead automation analyst for a large organization consisting of 797 workers located at seven offices in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Novell, A+, Net+, and Microsoft Applications certified. Results-oriented analyst and computer specialist with sound analytical, automation applications, and technical expertise. Provides a full range of continuing automation technical and advisory services to operating offices, system users, company officials, and warehouse managers. Collateral duties included researching potential Local Area Network (LAN) deployment at branch and field offices, automation security administrator for the organization, and provided new system integration training. Attended numerous strategy sessions with vendors, managers, and staff to explore feasibility of expanding automation system capabilities.
Computer Analyst, April 2009 to Present
Hendricks Inc. 40+ hours/week
435 Smithfield Drive, Smithfield, MD 20782 Salary: $77,956/yr.
Supervisor: Gene Porter, 202-123-2456, Extension 410. You may contact my present and all previous supervisors.
Proficient in most Microsoft applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Scheduler, Project, FrontPage and Access. Trained over 127 users in software applications over the past two years. Designed Hendricks’ corporate Web site that received several internet design awards. Three of my articles were published in major national magazines concerning NOVELL upgrades and system integration issues. Copies available upon request.
Computer Specialist June 1999 to April 2009
National Rental Corporation 40+ hours/week
101 Fifth St., Silver Spring, MD 20901 Salary: $45,545/yr.
Supervisor: Charles Massie, 202-234-2345.
Computer specialist responsible for system administration, maintenance, and new software training for 47 specialists and five managers. Designed, updated, and modified office automation applications for the organization and serviced over 67 desktop and laptop computers and office Local Area Network (LAN). Worked closely with department managers and vendors to create and maintain appropriate technical documentation for all system users. Collateral responsibilities included researching potential LAN deployment at branch offices and new system integration training. Attended numerous strategy sessions with vendors and mangers to explore the feasibility of expanding office automation system capabilities.
Communications System Repairman U.S. ARMY May 1990 to June 1999
U.S. Army, National Training Center 40+ hours/week
11th Armored Regiment, Operations Group Salary: $17,789/yr.
Fort Irwin, CA 92310-5067
Supervisor: Msgt Don Riley, 760-999-9999
Attained the active duty rank of Staff Sergeant. Responsible for maintaining and servicing the training center’s field communications systems including Frequency Modulated (FM) handsets, telephone equipment, and Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) transmitters and receivers used to communicate with air support and armored cavalry command units. Assigned collateral duties to maintain field computers used to direct and coordinate troop movements with headquarters command. Responsible for analyzing and advising training command staff of communication problems and concerns.
Community College of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD 21201,
Associates Degree in Computer Technology, graduated with high honors, 2000
Additional Training
Communications Electronics School, US Army, 1992 (6 months)
Microsoft Office, April (40 hours), 1993
Work Station Integration & LAN Connectivity (160 hours), 1994
NOVEL Certification Course (80 hours), 1995
Microsoft Office Professional (40 hours), 1996
Quality of Work life & Team Work (40 hours), employer sponsored
LAN/WAN Office Configuration Management Course (240 hours), 1997
A+ / Net + Software/Hardware Certification Course (200 hours), 1999
• FCC Radio Telephone License with Ship Radar endorsement (current)
• NOVEL Certified in 1999
• A+ / NET + Certified June 1999
In addition to the courses I have taken to acquire further knowledge for the positions I have held, I also have experience and expertise in the following areas:
Interpersonal Relations
Communications and Writing Skills
Training Skills
Computer Skills
Office Skills
Too many applicants make the mistake of submitting the exact same résumé for all jobs they apply for. That may be fine if you are applying for the exact same job series for the same agency. However, there can be significantly different duties and responsibilities for the same job series with other organizations, and you must address those differences in the application package, otherwise you stand to loose Best Qualified Status. Tailor your federal style resume for each job that you bid on to increase your standing.
If you’re willing to relocate, obtain job announcements from other areas and apply for as many jobs in similar or related occupations that you qualify for. One other word of advice; highlight the key duties and responsibilities listed in the job announcement and then use those exact terms in your work descriptions and Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) statements. Don’t forget to use the “Career Transition Checklist” in Appendix A to steer you through the entire process.
Contact local agency offices and find out what is currently available, what’s coming up, and how to apply. Now over 80 percent of all jobs are advertised by individual agencies. OPM may not list vacancies from excepted service agencies or for agencies with direct hire authority. A list of 141 federal agencies is available online at Also search for jobs by occupation and agency on